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What the Mamas We Love are Wishing for This Mother’s Day

What the Mamas We Love are Wishing for This Mother’s Day

Even though this Mother’s Day won’t look like the last, the meaning behind why and who we celebrate hasn’t changed - it’s become even more important. Our moms, the mom-figures who shaped us, and the moms we do life alongside of all deserve to be acknowledged and showered with love, especially now and even if it’s not in person. That’s why we made sure to stock our Gift Shop with thoughtful gifts any mom would love. We even added two new Take Care Sets that are sure to brighten her special day. We talked to some of the mamas we love to find out what they’re doing to celebrate and what they’re wishing for to give us some gift-giving inspo.

 What the Mamas We Love are Wishing for This Mother’s DayWe just moved to Joshua Tree so this year I want to spend Mother's Day in our backyard in the middle of the desert riding our bikes, making bbq, grilling up corn and delicious tacos, hanging out by the pool with my kiddos followed by watching the sunset— which is my favorite thing to do! The desert sunsets are magical and therapeutic.

What I love most about being a mom is seeing the world through my kids’ eyes. Everything seems brand new again. There's so much love, adventure and curiosity in their eyes. Being able to hold space for them and teach them things and seeing how they go on and navigate life with that given knowledge is so profound.

My Mother’s Day wish list consists of the simple things that bring me joy. I love dried flowers because they're a perfect decoration piece and that live forever.  I love the pink twist candle. The unique shape and pop of color is fun and a scented candle at the end of the day is calming and pure joy easing into the night. The black yin-yang cup is perfect for my morning adaptogen tonic before homeschooling the kiddos.

- Sisilia @sisiliapiring

Shop Sisilia’s Picks:

What the Mamas We Love are Wishing for This Mother’s Day“I’m really trying to stay positive about this epidemic, so with everything that’s happening, Mother’s Day is going to be a little different this year. I’m hoping to order my favorite pasta at our local restaurant and have some quality time with my family. 

I love being a mom because spending time with my babies every single day is priceless. I love being their mom and teaching them to be better and kind little humans. The reward I get everyday makes my heart happy, and even though motherhood is not easy, with every “I love you” from them makes it all worth it.

When I discovered personellelimo I automatically fell in love with everything - they not only have what I’m looking for, but everything for every type of mom. My main focus is wearing things inspired by motherhood so it’s important for me to find pieces like these that I can always wear.”

- Alejandra @alletrejo

Shop Alejandra’s Picks:

What the Mamas We Love are Wishing for This Mother’s Day“I’ll most likely spend Mother’s Day at home and I hope to sleep in a bit (Andy & Prairie are you reading this ;-) ) then wake up to a clean house (okay okay maybe that is too much to hope for). We will definitely go on a walk, have a nice meal and a fun drink together - and that'll be just perfect. 

I love all the things that come with being a mom lately. Being around a beautiful little human who is constantly learning and teaching me along the way - it's a magical experience. Motherhood brings me so much joy, it's wild to remember that not so long I wasn't sure if I even wanted to have kids at all.

Since we are home so much right now, I have been enjoying fun little pieces to make simple everyday tasks (like washing our hands, making afternoon tea, setting the table) feel a bit more special. I love things made of natural materials, and I (predictably) gravitate toward a desert color palette.

- Geneva @cosmic.american

Shop Geneva’s Picks:

What the Mamas We Love are Wishing for This Mother’s Day“I plan on spending Mother’s Day drinking my coffee hot (for once!), and loving on my three beautiful children! 

What I love most about being a mother is my ability to be a safe place, a warm hug, a laugh, an open ear, a friend - all in one. Raising my babies is a blessing I will never take for granted. 

There is nothing I love more than being a mother and homemaker. Mothering my babies and making my house a home are my pride and joy. I try to make all my shopping choices carefully with my home in mind. Creating a beautiful place for my kids to remember is what I strive for!”

- Aly @alyjaneryan

Shop Aly’s Picks:

We hope this helps you find the perfect gift for the irreplaceable woman(en) in your life. From self-care essentials to home decor, jewelry and more, the Gift Shop has a little something for everyone.

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