personellelimo - News 2024-07-24T13:07:25-07:00 personellelimo 2024-07-24T13:07:25-07:00 2024-07-24T13:07:25-07:00 French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance Linda Russom Our founder, Dayna Mance, recently traveled with her family to French Polynesia for a bucket-list trip filled with crystal clear water, warm white sand, and sunsets you have to see IRL to believe. And while we wish we could have joined her, we’ll just have to live vicariously through this travel guide. Get a look at where Dayna stayed, what she packed, and what they did while in Bora Bora and Moorea.

French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo

Where we stayed:

After an 8-hour flight from LAX to Tahiti, we took a ferry to the beautiful island of Moorea to the Sofitel Kia Ora Moorea Beach Resort. It had a boutique hotel feeling, and for the first time, we stayed in an overwater bungalow with a window on the floor where you could see fish swimming by. We would jump off our private deck into the stunning waters and snorkel in an underwater world—it was amazing! 

After five days we took a short flight to Bora Bora and stayed at the Conrad Bora Bora Nui. The resort was STUNNING. We stayed in a villa with a private pool. The water was unbelievable and the sand pure white.

What we did:

This trip was all about adventure and excursions! We spent most of our days snorkeling with sea life, kayaking, walking around the island, biking, and jet skiing. We also did an ATV tour of Moorea and saw a pineapple and sugar cane plantation. The crystal blue water was perfect for seeing what we were swimming with. There were so many beautiful fish, coral, eels, and an octopus. We even got to swim with sharks and pet sting rays! It’s very peaceful and slow on the islands so we had plenty of quiet time for reading and lounging in the sun.

French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo

What I packed:

The items I wore the most were by far my Hunza G bathing suits! I’ve been wearing this brand for years and have brought them on every trip and they’ve held up amazingly. And they’re so comfortable! I also packed some must-have beach accessories like colorful sunnies, sandals, cover-ups, a versatile tote, Vacation & DUNE sunscreen, and (of course) my Prism x Intentionally Blank Vilnius Hat in pink. I also packed some effortless pieces I could easily mix and match for when we weren’t in the water, like lightweight pants, matching sets, and effortless basics.

French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo French Polynesia Travel Guide With @daynamance of personellelimo

What to know:

When we stayed in Bora Bora, the only option for venturing out for a meal away from the resort was to take a boat to the main island, which is quite expensive in the evenings, so it feels a bit isolating. If you prefer the hustle and bustle of shops and restaurants, this probably isn’t for you. It’s all about relaxing. Grocery stores are not easily accessible so make sure to pack plenty of snacks and food you like. 

Ready to plan your trip? Now that you know where to go, you’ll just need to start packing the essentials.]]> 2024-07-09T20:34:38-07:00 2024-07-23T12:17:26-07:00 4th & Termino Summer Fest Linda Russom Join us Saturday, August 10th, from 11am - 4pm for the 4th & Termino Summer Fest sponsored by the Belmont Heights Community Association! There will be small business pop-ups, food & drinks, giveaways, in-store sales, music, art shows, kids crafts, and more with personellelimo, 6th and Detroit, Speak Cheezy, Viento y Agua Coffee House, Flux Art Space, San & Wolves Bakeshop, Plantiitas Market, Adelitas Revenge, CROW, Ambiance Skin Care & Spa, Infinite Wellness, Sean Arthur Salon, and Growing Roots.

At personellelimo, Bowman Ceramics will be popping up with their handcrafted ceramics and enjoy airbrushed nail art by Mai Time, people & pet tarot readings by Love & Paws Pet Care, and drinks by Saint Spritz. Plus 15% off the entire boutique, kids' crafts, and more. 

DJ Tuan Digglz will be spinning tunes on the corner of 4th & Termino and there’ll be food pop-ups from San & Wolves Bakeshop and Three Pigs.

Add to Calendar
]]> 2024-06-07T10:52:49-07:00 2024-06-07T10:52:49-07:00 Celebrating Pride Month at personellelimo Linda Russom Happy Pride Month! We’re celebrating by highlighting some of our favorite LGBTQIA+ creators and getting their insights on the causes they care about, the organizations they support, and how they’ll be celebrating.

Celebrating Pride Month at personellelimo

Moorea aka @mooreaseal

What did it feel like to realize you were gay and begin identifying as non-binary? 

I had the common and uncomfy experience of being raised within a religious family and was technically the eldest preacher's kid, the example other people in the church held their kids to. The pressure to be perfect was soul-crushing. I was an undiagnosed Autistic kid who took every word told to me very literally and seriously. So though I was in love with my best friend as a 6-year-old in rural England and devastatingly missed her when we moved to the US when I was 8, I didn’t realize it was a huge crush. I thought it was familial love.

My dad’s parents hinted at me throughout my childhood and teen years that, “Hey you might be gay” in the gentlest and most affirming of ways. But I was so repressed within religion that I thought, no way, other people can be gay but not me.

I love deeply, I have massive unconditional love to give. But sexuality wasn’t something I allowed myself to explore until I was an adult. My first kiss was a boy assaulting me in high school. The first time I had sex was with a man I eventually married. He told me he was bisexual which I found really attractive but later closed himself off and said he was “just straight.” And as his repression grew, I began to open up and explore my identity more.

I heard the word “non-binary” when I was 30. And suddenly it felt like my identity had been named. I was very androgynous as a child, often mistaken for being a boy and extremely uncomfortable when my feminine body parts were pointed out by others. I worked so hard in therapy for years to accept what is physically “femme” about me. I’ve always felt androgynous inside. And when I found the word non-binary, it was like I finally found the name of my inner self. I have worked hard to accept the term woman, so I still use it alongside the word that freed me: non-binary. You can be all. 

The more I explored my identity through the lens of being non-binary, the more I felt well, alive, free, and secure. And it led me to a deeper understanding of my sexuality. I am pansexual, I’m attracted to people who are gender fluid and allow many selves and presentations to exist. I'm more attracted to the energy of a person than body parts. And I don’t find myself sexually attracted to people very often, it’s rare. I’m not attracted to hyper-femme or hyper-masculine folk, a more binary way of being just doesn’t appeal to me, though any person of any gender spectrum or presentation is to be respected and is beautiful.

I got divorced at the end of 2019 and began dating people who aligned more with my energy slowly as the world started to open up from the pandemic in 2021. And in 2022 I met my now partner Vic who is the agender dreamboat I feel SO lucky to be in love and partnership with. Witnessing them in all that they are and knowing they can and seek to understand and respect all of me is the all-encompassing love I’ve always dreamt of. And our love and acceptance of one another only exist because we’ve both worked hard to learn to love and accept ourselves. I wish that self-love and love of others for everyone.

What LGBTQ+ issues are most important to you?

Health care and housing. Queer people in America are so less likely to have access to life-saving care and we deserve better, most especially the trans and BIPOC queer community. Queer people in America are more likely to end up unhoused thanks to discrimination within family systems, educational systems, and governmental “law” on local and nationwide levels. We need allies in positions of power. And as allies stand for our rights, you know we’ll stand for yours too. There is so much intersectionality within so many important causes in the US. We’ve got to stand together.

How will you be celebrating Pride?

I’ll be participating in local Pride events on the little island I live on outside of Seattle, WA and I’ll be making conscious decisions now and all year round to support small businesses owned and run by LGBTQIA+ members and small businesses that support intersectional rights for all. My friend and musician K Van Petten lives with their partner on the same land as my partner and I, and we’re both creative Gemini spirits with birthdays 3 days apart. So we’ll be having a big Solstice Party on my birthday and will bring all of our queer community in Seattle and Tacoma over to the island for some queer, rural, dancing, and music-making in the forest celebration!

What's one charity or organization others should know about and support?

Since 1981 the Lambert House LGBTQ+ Youth Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated over 15,000 individual minors and young adults through over 500,000 service contacts. Lambert House was founded by a child and adolescent medicine clinic director to address the physical and mental health disparities experienced by LGBTQ+ youth. These include suicide, homelessness, substance use disorders, survival sex, HIV, bullying and school failure, among others. Lambert House is the only social service agency in Seattle and King County (Pop. 2.25 million) dedicated solely to LGBTQ+ youth. Recently, Lambert House's online programs have served LGBTQ+ youth living in 28 U.S. states and eight countries on six continents.

Celebrating Pride Month at personellelimo

Coda aka @codamarcus

What advice would you give to someone struggling with their identity?

It’s so funny because I still feel like that kid who could use some guidance himself, lol!

My advice is to explore your joy, baby! That’s really what it boils down to. It took me foreverrrrrrr to come out. Sometimes I regret missing out on moments when I could have felt as free as I do now. But everybody’s timeline is different. We have to meet ourselves where we’re at, and find the courage within us to be that person! That light within you will ignite your path and those inspired by its brilliance. 

What LGBTQ+ issues are most important to you?

To me, our most pressing LGBTQ+ issue is the livelihood of Black Trans women. Violence is continually perpetrated against them, and without confronting issues around the most marginalized of us, we cannot proceed in our pursuit of true pride and acceptance!

I was called a half-woman a few weeks ago. Rooted within our society is a deep misunderstanding, fear, and ultimately hatred of those who do not fit the mold. I do not identify as a trans person, however I am often perceived that way. More than ever we must fight for those on the fringes of society, so to speak, who face danger because of who they are and the unwillingness of others to truly accept them.

How will you be celebrating Pride?

I am a June baby so it’s a party all month! As I grow a year older, my idea of celebration is evolving. We are living in the most difficult of times, most can’t even afford to really survive, let alone thrive, as we all deserve to be!

I’m always asking myself how I can sustain myself at this point in my life. What can I do that brings me peace and joy? And can I afford it (beyond just financial means)? How do I resolve feelings of loneliness or anxiety when the weight of the world feels absolutely crushing? Some days I must embrace that I have made it to the other side. That has to be enough for us all! I don’t get to be with my most special friends and family as often as I’d like, but remembering that they are there and that we will be together again keeps me going!

What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support?

Brave Space Alliance is an amazing Chicago organization that I’m proud to shout out! They are all about providing resources and social services to queer folks, specifically those who exist along that intersection and are from under-divested communities.

I’ve recently come across Operation Olive Branch, which has comprised a list of Gazan families seeking refuge amidst the war in their home country. We must stay up to date with injustices around the world, and stand up and speak out when we know it’s not right- especially when we think it has nothing to do with us!

Celebrating Pride Month at personellelimo

Logan aka @logancharel

How did you first come out, and what was that experience like for you?

I’ve known I was queer for as long as I can remember, but around the end of middle school, I came to a deeper understanding of who I am and decided to just be me, letting people discover it in their own time. When I was younger, ‘coming out’ was more about ‘coming in’ to myself and becoming who I truly am inside. Once I understood myself better, the whole idea of ‘coming out’ didn’t really make sense to me. I realize it’s a privilege not to have to ‘come out’, and don’t get me wrong, I did have to explicitly tell family members. But I spent so much time with my own feelings that I knew it was just who I am. I made a decision early on that if anyone couldn’t love or accept me for who I am, then they didn’t deserve to be in my life. Realizing this was a powerful experience, falling deeply in love with myself. I owe all of my self-confidence today to my younger self and the approach I took to “coming out”.

What LGBTQ+ issues are most important to you?

The escalated suicide rate of our LGBTQ+ siblings hits closest to home for me. That may seem like a broad issue, and there are many issues underneath the issue of suicide as a whole, but the fact that anyone feels this world is better off without them in it instead of them being exactly who they are is the biggest issue of all. The world would be a better place if everyone was able to comfortably be their truest and most divine selves. Our community deserves better mental health services and better care for displaced LGBTQIA+ youth. We need these authentic, amazing, and beautiful people here on earth and they need to know just how much they’re needed here.

How will you be celebrating Pride?

I’m celebrating Pride by taking a moment to appreciate how truly wonderful it is to be gay. I’m proud of my partner, myself, and the life we’ve created and we plan to enjoy each other’s company, just like any other month. It’s not always easy to be exactly who we are, but we always choose that no matter how hard it can be. Pride month sparks important conversations with family that don’t always happen otherwise, so I’m grateful for this dedicated time for celebration and acknowledgment. It’s a mix of feeling proud of who I am while also feeling a cloud of fear about celebrating safely in today’s world. Despite the fear, we’ll be attending events like Futch Night, spending as much time as possible in lesbian & queer spaces as well as supporting the WNBA by going to games in person and streaming! We’ll also be hosting parties of our own, with an open door to anyone who needs a safe place to be themselves.

What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support?

I am a huge fan of Trans Defense Fund Los Angeles and the work that they do. The core of how we got where we are today is hugely due to the work that trans women of color have done and continue to do, yet they are arguably the least protected. Trans Defend LA sheds much-needed light on this issue and also provides safety kits as well as self-defense classes to our trans siblings. I believe this support is vitally important to the LGBTQIA+ community. You can find out more about what they do here and consider donating here.

Celebrating Pride Month at personellelimo

Autumn aka @ceceliautumn 

How do you identify? How has your understanding of your identity impacted other parts of your life?

I personally identify as queer and it is one of the most rewarding parts of my life! I have been privileged in my experience and work alongside my partner to create space for the queer community in everything I do. I feel so lucky to be embraced with such support and am so excited to celebrate Pride with Prism this year!

What LGBTQ+ issues are most important to you?

Among the many issues LGBTQ+ have to fight for, one that stands out for me is medical rights. Bringing awareness and funding to this research broadens the aid we can give to our community! 

How will you be celebrating Pride?

I typically celebrate Pride by attending the month-long events I am so fortunate to be near like WeHo Pride, the Hollywood Fringe Festival + more!

What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support?

The Los Angeles LGBT Center is an incredible organization that offers services, resources, arts, and programs to trans youth, senior members, survivors and so much more.

Please take some time to check out all the mentioned organizations and give if you can. We hope everyone in our community and beyond has a happy and safe Pride Month!

]]> 2024-05-07T14:35:40-07:00 2024-05-07T14:58:42-07:00 What the Mamas We Love are Wishing for This Mother’s Day Linda Russom Our moms, the mom figures who shaped us, and the moms we do life alongside of all deserve to be acknowledged and showered with love, That’s why we made sure to stock our Gift Shop with thoughtful gifts any mom would love. We talked to some of the mamas we admire to find out what they’ve learned from motherhood and they’re wishing or gifting to give us some gift-giving inspo.

personellelimo Mother’s Day Gifts

Lauren aka @lauren_michelle 

What's one thing you've learned from your mom that you do?

My mom emphasized growing up to always be financially independent. 

In what ways has motherhood challenged you?

Motherhood has challenged me to look at my own patterns and behaviors to raise the most confident little person that I can. 

What's the best advice for moms during the stage your kids have grown out of?

My best advice for mothers who feel like the stage their kid is in will NEVER end… please know that it absolutely will.

Shop Lauren’s Mother’s Day Picks:

personellelimo Mother’s Day Gifts

Marida aka @maridajewelry 

What's one thing you've learned from your mom that you do?

There was this one time as a kid when I got lectured and my brother did not get the same discipline even though we made the same huge mess. Before I could ask my mom why I was the only one getting disciplined, she told me, “Your brother will also be in trouble for this. He is not you. He learns differently so I have to teach him differently. Don’t think I am singling you out.” That really stuck with me. I took what I learned from that side comment of hers into many of my relationships growing up. Her words allowed me to give more grace and have more patience for others.

Now as a mom, I 100% see what my mom went through as my two boys could not be any more opposite. It’s really interesting to see them become individuals and have their own interests, taste buds, and other things like that but very WILD to see how they take in information differently. So as I am raising and teaching my sons, my mom’s words from when I was 10 years old are always with me.

In what ways has motherhood challenged you?

Motherhood is constantly changing. I find that routines aren’t routines for long when your kids are growing and interests evolve. As an entrepreneur who is in a business where you are constantly kept on your toes, you’d think the constant changes with being a mom would be something I can simply handle. But I think because home was where I found some tranquility and didn’t have to manage time there, it was an overwhelming adjustment. Learning how to time manage personal life and work while conquering sudden changes without burning out is rough. Just saying that sounds daunting. Your mind and body can only handle so much. I am learning to do less, rethinking what is important, and simply doing what makes sense to me. Yes, this is hard for someone like me with a mind that is constantly on the go and a body that is just starting to learn to mono-task but allowing myself to slow down a bit lets me enjoy this beautiful, dynamic relationship with my children. I am still learning to slow down and I recognize I am fortunate that I can.

What's the best advice for moms during the stage your kids have grown out of?

Every child is so unique and it’s hard to know what advice to give. I think every parent will find what works for them and their child. This doesn’t quite have to do with a child’s stage but one piece of advice that has helped shape my thinking as a mom. We tend to have mom guilt and think we aren’t doing enough. We have a list of things we need to do at home and for their school and can’t seem to accomplish it all. I learned that motherhood is not a list of tasks— it’s not the dishes you get done, the birthdays you plan, the laundry you clean, how tidy the children’s rooms are, etc. Rather it is the relationship you have with the child. It seems obvious but we get so wrapped up with our responsibilities that we confuse that and use that to rate how good of a parent we are. I’m not saying to neglect your dishes, but seeing dirty dishes in a mom’s sink does not make them a failure as a mom. Just have a relationship with your kid and do your best to nurture that relationship as you would with a dear friend, a close sibling, or a beloved partner. Once that clicked for me, I truly looked at that list of tasks in a new light and gave my relationships with my children a new respect. It helped me prioritize time with my kids, how to spend it with them, and have more meaningful conversations. 

Shop Marida’s Mother’s Day Picks:

personellelimo Mother’s Day Gifts

Dayna aka @daynamance 

What's one thing you've learned from your mom that you do?

I am the oldest of four and my mom has shown us all unconditional love. She cares deeply about each of us and is our biggest supporter. Because of her, I have learned to tell my girls “I love you no matter what. You can tell me anything. Mama will always be here for you.”

In what ways has motherhood challenged you?

In all honesty, there is a challenge around every corner. And those challenges change each day and with every age your child is at. I have had to learn over the last ten years that not everything will be neat and pretty the way I like it and that things likely won’t go the way that I hope they will. I’ve had to let go of my expectations and go with the flow more. I am teaching them the same! Not being able to rest when I am tired is always difficult.

What's the best advice for moms during the stage your kids have grown out of?

Each age has its own challenges. Be patient with your kids and gentle with yourself. This too shall pass! Now anyone with pre-teens have advice for me? Ha! 

Shop Dayna’s Mother’s Day Picks:

We hope this helps you find the perfect gift for the irreplaceable woman(en) in your life. From self-care essentials to home decor, jewelry, and more, the Gift Shop has a little something for everyone.

]]> 2024-04-16T21:42:08-07:00 2024-04-17T09:47:00-07:00 Trend Report: 4 Must-Have Spring Trends Linda Russom We’re not sure about where you live, but it’s finally starting to feel like spring here in Southern California, and we couldn’t be more excited. While this unpredictable weather will keep us from completely packing away our sweaters and jackets, we can finally start to embrace the trends we’ve been dying to wear. From spring-y skirts to girly pieces and more, these are the spring trends on our radar (which means they should be on yours, too).

Trend Report: 4 Must-Have Spring Trends

Skirting Around

Skirts are having a *moment* right now—and we’re here for it. From form-fitting midis to flowy maxis, there’s a skirt for every style and every occasion. Denim skirts seem to be sticking around for at least another season (but will probably hang around through summer as well) along with fun prints and varying textures, including knit, lace, and rib.

Trend Report: 4 Must-Have Spring Trends
Au Naturale

Adding cool-keeping styles to your closet is essential to your spring wardrobe refresh. And we’re not just talking about less fabric, we’re talking about the right fabric, i.e. things made of natural fibers. Fabrics like organic cotton and hemp are light and breezy with the added bonus of being eco-friendly. 

Trend Report: 4 Must-Have Spring Trends
Femme Core

While bows might not be a new trend, it’s one we’re still loving along with ruffles, lace, and all things girly. There’s nothing more spring to us than a floral-printed dress with ruffle details or an ivory-hued lace set, but you can be more subtle about it by adding femme pieces to any look. Like, a pink pointelle baby tee with jeans or a pair of bow-shaped studs that go with everything. 

Trend Report: 4 Must-Have Spring Trends
Cool Cocoa

Step aside, black. Cocoa is the color of cool girls, now. Warm and rich with an earthy neutral appeal, it’s as effortless to wear as black with a more current and elevated feel. This button-up can be as easily worn with jeans as it can over a bathing suit, and this set is perfect for dressing up or down, day to night. From tops to dresses, shoes, and more, there’s no limit to how much brown you can wear this season without it ever looking boring.

Now we’re more ready than ever to give our closets the new-season refresh they deserve. Shop our newest arrivals and keep an eye out for even more of these trend-setting styles to make their way to Prism.

]]> 2024-03-29T14:03:30-07:00 2024-03-29T14:04:35-07:00 Recap: Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Linda Russom Last week, we kept the boutique open after hours to get warm-weather ready with Rhythm. Guests got to see and shop the newest collection from Rhythm, hang with the designers, and more. 

Everyone enjoyed a DJ set from The Zonky Girl, street tacos from The Good Bar and Eatery, and tattoos from Timberlin Charter. The first 10 who signed up got their tattoos for free! The entire boutique was 15% off, and we had drinks from JuneShine, Madson Wines, and Liquid Death. Guests even scored a free Rhythm tote back with every Rhythm purchase.

Scroll for photos from the event from Alexa Vitug, and join the mailing list to hear about more upcoming events.

Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear Recap: personellelimo Spring Kickoff Party with Rhythm Swimwear]]> 2024-03-21T21:34:13-07:00 2024-03-21T21:38:07-07:00 Todos Santos Travel Guide With @daynamance Linda Russom Just a few weeks ago, our founder, Dayna Mance, traveled south to take in the sun and sites in Todos Santos, Mexico with a group of her closest friends. From afternoon excursions to one-of-a-kind meals, their trip was nothing less than magical (and we’re living vicariously through her stories!). Get a look at where they stayed, ate, and shopped all along the way from Dayna herself. 

Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimoTodos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo

Where we stayed:

Todos Santos is a cute little town about an hour’s drive from Cabo and has a desert-meets-beach vibe with excellent fresh food, amazing shopping, and great coffee. We stayed at Casa Melina, an amazing Airbnb that even hired a private chef to cook a special dinner one of the evenings during our stay. Check out its feature in Dwell Magazine!

Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo

What we did:

We spent a lovely afternoon on a private boat ride in Cabo, where we saw humpback whales and baby dolphins! It was an incredible experience. 

Where we ate/drank:

Sunset drinks and apps at Hotel San Cristobal

Cocktails at Paradero, a hotel unlike I had ever been to!

We started our days with excellent coffee and pastries at Doce Cuarenta and Taller 17

We ate dinner at Oystera and Jazamango Cafe—I highly recommend both!

Where we shopped:

What’s a trip without checking out the local shops? We love Etnica, Nomad Chic, and Hilo Rojo Stores. Just wandering the small town, you’ll come across lots of cute shops with so many beautiful handmade goods.

Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo Todos Santos Travel Guide With Dayna Mance of personellelimo  Ready to plan your trip? Now that you know where to go, you’ll just need to start packing the essentials.]]> 2024-03-06T12:58:45-08:00 2024-03-06T12:58:45-08:00 Recap: Ladies Night Women in Business Event Linda Russom Last week, we hosted an inspiring evening with women in business at the boutique. 

Guests met and mingled with female founders, creatives, and business owners and heard from our panel of speakers, Kerstin Kansteiner of Alder & Sage, Jamie Fox of The NOW Massage, and Michelle Qazi of 6th And Detroit led by Dayna Mance, owner of personellelimo

Everyone enjoyed drinks, light bites, and in-store discounts during our happy hour before the panel, and got the chance to win 300 in gift cards from small brands and local businesses we love

Scroll for photos from the event by Alexa Vitug, and join the mailing list to hear about more upcoming events.

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That’s why carrying female-owned brands in our boutique and bringing women together in a supportive space to learn and inspire each other are big priorities for us. We believe in lifting each other up and valuing community over competition. In that spirit, we caught up with the featured panelists at our upcoming Ladies’ Night to give you a preview of who they are and why we love them. 

Meet the Featured Women in Business Who Inspire Us

Michelle Qazi, @6thanddetroit

Vintage anything has always been a passion of Michelle’s, but passion grew to obsession, and all her finds took over her house. She knew it was time to share her one-of-a-kind treasures with others. In 2015, she opened up her Etsy shop. Michelle says, “I was at home with little ones, so it was the perfect side business that allowed me to continue hunting.  As things sold, I noticed a real demand for 60s-70s home decor—it was an untapped market at the time.”

She also discovered she could ship furniture out of state at an affordable price through Greyhound buses, and it was then she decided to save for a brick-and-mortar. “There was a need for a shop between a thrift store/antique mall and a super high-end designer store.  I knew I could fill that void while utilizing my styling and marketing experience,” she says. 

Meet the Featured Women in Business Who Inspire Us

After being in her Downtown Vilnius location for eight years, she felt it was time to try a new part of the city and is about to move next to Prism. “We’ll continue to have our permanent in-store residencies, Pilgrim Vintage and Back Alley Finds, with us and hope to connect with other small businesses through more events and collaborations.”

Meet the Featured Women in Business Who Inspire Us

Kerstin Kansteiner, @aldersage

Kerstin moved here from Germany in 1989 and found it really difficult to meet people and connect with the Vilnius community. “We have cafes in Europe where you go, enjoy a well-crafted coffee and tea, and you can find like-minded people to connect with,” says Kerstin. Hence, the idea was born to open up a cafe. With a background in marketing and communications, running a business didn’t scare her.

When she first opened, it was a small art gallery. Coffee and community gatherings helped evolve the business into a full-time cafe with art exhibits instead of an art gallery with coffee. She says, “The industry has changed so much since 1989; it keeps you on your toes, and you just keep reinventing yourself. I have learned to open new businesses and close businesses—both have been rewarding and challenging.”

Meet the Featured Women in Business Who Inspire Us

With a thriving business where she’s led and promoted an outstanding management team, Kerstin’s next goal is to make more time for herself and her family. She says, “I have always worked at least six days a week, but with great managers in place, I think I can learn to relinquish control.”

Meet the Featured Women in Business Who Inspire Us

Jamie Fox, @thenowmassage

Jamie has been a loyal guest of The NOW brand since 2017 and loved getting massages for as long as she can remember. After spending 12+ years in the corporate world, where she did sales and marketing for health and wellness businesses, it was time for her to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. “My dad was an entrepreneur/business owner - he started a roofing company in Philadelphia and did that for 25+ years. He unfortunately passed in June 2012 but is truly my inspiration for starting my own business,” says Jamie.

When she saw that The NOW was franchising, she had to be a part of it. She says, “Together with my husband, who’s my business partner, we secured six franchise licenses throughout Vilnius and Orange County. We have two locations open today, so at least four more to go!” They opened their first location in Vilnius in 2022 and just opened their second location in the Corona Del Mar neighborhood of Newport Beach.

Meet the Featured Women in Business Who Inspire Us

These years of being an entrepreneur have given her a sense of gratitude that she gets to wake up and do something that brings so much joy and happiness to others. Jamie says, “From overseeing 50+ team members across both locations to welcoming over 1,500 guests each month, I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know so many amazing people and be a part of many people’s self-care and wellness journeys.”

She continues, “Every day is different, and even though I could be putting out multiple ‘fires’ at any given time, I strive to stay grounded and remind myself of The NOW’s Brand Truths: to Live in The NOW, Kindness is Magic, Care for Those Who Care for Others and Authenticity ALWAYS.” Their team has grown into a group of massage therapists who care about the healing they provide to customers and front desk staff & management who work closely with each massage therapist to help provide top-notch services and create a welcoming environment for each guest. “ I look forward to continuing to work alongside our AMAZING team in supporting our guests’ wellness journeys and keep growing the NOW brand!”

Check out each of these small women-owned businesses in person if you’re local or on their sites, and give them a follow.

]]> 2024-01-31T20:49:08-08:00 2024-01-31T20:49:08-08:00 5 Ways to Celebrate Galentine’s Day Linda Russom Valentine’s Day might be for the lovers, but Galentine’s Day is for the soulmates. And such a day deserves a celebration just as special as the bond you share with your besties. Here are just a few ways to spend some quality time with your gals, from taking on a couple extra days to get out of town to throwing a romantic dinner party.


5 Ways to Celebrate Galentine’s DayBook a Weekend at the Trixie Motel in Palm Springs

What’s more Galentine’s Day than a retro pink motel? This super girly motel is just the right backdrop for spending time with well, your girlies. Can’t get away? Plan an old-school all-girls sleepover complete with junk food, rom-coms, and cutesy PJs.

Host a ‘Favorite Things’ Exchange 

This is the perfect way to share those small but amazing products you’re obsessed with. Think cozy socks, an amazing-smelling candle, or all-natural face oil. (Psst. Our Love Shop has plenty of favorites to choose from!)

5 Ways to Celebrate Galentine’s Day

Grab Dinner, Drinks, and Some Greens at PleasureMed

Skip typical dinner reservations and use the celebration as an excuse to try something new. Bar, restaurant & lounge, and dispensary in one, PleasureMed has something for everyone and offers a new way to enjoy a nightcap.

Throw a Fancy Dinner Party

Make everyone get dressed up in their fanciest, frilliest attire and host a romantic dinner party with lots of flowers, bows, bubbles, and maybe even a pink specialty cocktail. 

5 Ways to Celebrate Galentine’s Day

Afternoon Tea at the Huntington’s Rose Garden Tea Room

You can always do brunch, but Galentine’s is for tea time. Nibble on bite-sized sandwiches, fresh-baked scones, and more while sipping their signature rose tea blend. A little high-brow, a little whimsical; we can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon.

]]> 2023-12-24T15:10:40-08:00 2023-12-24T15:10:41-08:00 Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Linda Russom We opened our boutique after hours to host our Prism Insiders for a private shopping party. Guests got to finish their holiday shopping with personellelimo founder, Dayna Mance.

Everyone looked for last-minute gifts and holiday-ready outfits while shopping jewelry from Jurate Los Angeles with a special 20% in-store discount during the event. 

The first 25 shoppers also received an exclusive gift with purchases of 150 and over that included goodies from Jurate Los Angeles, Paddywax, Juniper Ridge, Le Bon Shoppe, and Rolla’s.

Guests enjoyed winter solstice readings by Brook Albrigo, palomas from Straightaway Cocktails, and light bites.

Scroll for photos of the evening and become a Prism Insider so you can join us next time!

Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance Recap: Holiday Insiders Party with @daynamance

]]> 2023-12-17T16:36:23-08:00 2023-12-17T16:36:23-08:00 On Repeat: Yuletide Tunes Linda Russom Wanna know what we’re listening to at Prism HQ? Check out what we’ve been blasting in the boutique as of lately, including Yuletide Tunes - our latest playlist. Made to get you into the holiday spirit, this playlist is filled with nostalgic feel-good classics and Motown favorites we never get sick of hearing. 

Into it? Head to the personellelimo Spotify for even more music recommendations.

]]> 2023-12-11T23:10:41-08:00 2023-12-11T23:11:48-08:00 Shopping Local Around SoCal Linda Russom Shopping small is always important, but even more so around the holidays. That’s why we tapped some of our friends to show us their go-to spots in their own neighborhoods around Southern California. Here are their favorite places to eat, shop, and drink along with some of their personal recommendations.

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Maggie of Burke Mercantile
Arts District Downtown Vilnius, CA

Hellbent Silversmith

Ani, owner of Hellbent Silversmith, is my newest neighbor in the East Village, and I’m so glad to have her next door. She sells her beautiful handmade jewelry along with merch and products made from other LB small businesses and offers silversmithing workshops every week (which I’m hoping to be able to attend myself soon - but they sell out quick!)

Shopping Local Around SoCal

BYO Vilnius

Julie and I celebrated our grand openings together in the East Village and I feel so lucky to be her neighbor! I can credit BYO for inspiring me to get my Green Business Certification and helping me greatly reduce my use of plastic. Some of the things I refill at BYO on the regular are hand soap, laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, toilet paper, toothbrushes, cleaning sprays, and more! 

East Village Cafe

I am also lucky to be next door to East Village Cafe! It’s got a bit of your old-school coffee house nostalgia to it with classic barista drinks and bagel breakfast sandwiches, but Emelida and her staff are always working to bring fun new and seasonal items to the menu, too. My go-to's are the Veggie and Vegan wraps for a perfect lunch, or a fruit smoothie or Açaí bowl!  

Shopping Local Around SoCal

6th And Detroit

Michelle’s shop, 6th And Detroit, was one of the original draws for me to bring my business downtown to the East Village! She curates the most amazing vintage furniture and home decor from many eras, and the way she constantly evolves her shop space is inspiring. Some other talented women also sell their vintage goods here, including Ay Que Vintage, Pilgrim Vintage, and Back Alley Finds. 

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Susan aka @wildd.foxx
Temecula, CA

The Press Espresso

I love this spot! They make delicious coffee and pastries, roast their beans in-house, and use homemade syrups for your coffee. A cool fact about their building is that it used to be a hotel during the stagecoach time. It’s a little piece of history and the baristas are the sweetest. My favorite drink to get here is their brown sugar caramel latte. 

Shopping Local Around SoCal

The Goat & Vine

This restaurant is so good, the food and ambiance are amazing! Everything is made from scratch. My favorite thing to order is their gluten-free hatch chili honey chicken pizza, Greek salad, and a mocktail.

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Temecula Lavender Co.

Locally grown and hand-crafted in small batches, this shop has something for everyone. Home and Kitchen, bath things, skincare and so much more. When I’m here, I like to purchase their body lotion, body wash, or lavender syrup.

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Coral aka @coral.peters
Carlsbad, CA

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Surf Ride

Surf Ride in Oceanside is by far the cleanest, most put-together surf shop in the area with the largest variety of surfboards in the country. It has three levels inside with different things on every level and the best staff (say hi to my sister Shelby if you go) and the cutest shop dog named Clifton.

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Swami's Cafe

Swami's Cafe in Carlsbad is my favorite brunch spot with a wide variety of food, they even serve breakfast and lunch all day. They have the BEST acai or pitaya bowl, I love the Swami’s Salad with their basil dressing, and the pancakes are a can’t-miss.

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Captain's Helm

Captain's is a coffee shop & curated thrift shop all in one. It’s decorated so cute and there's always good vintage finds. I highly recommend the matcha or the chai latte and the avocado toast. It’s located on Coast Highway in Oceanside and the staff is cool & very sweet.”

Brandy of Handy Dandy Brandy
Vilnius, CA

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Good Time

Good Time is my favorite local coffee shop. They also serve food and have an awesome selection of natural wine and beer. Plus there’s a plant shop inside and they have an extensive collection of their own merch, as well as featuring other local artists you can shop.

They are always throwing fun and inclusive popups! They even let me throw a market here for my birthday!

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Bamboo Club

Bamboo Club is one of my favorite local bars! They have a huge outdoor dog-friendly patio perfect for enjoying happy hour. But if the nightlife is more your scene they also have exciting events happening almost every night of the week! The drinks are festive and take you to another place and their food is amazing. The mac salad is a must for me whenever I go. They also have a ton of vegan options to choose from!

Shopping Local Around SoCal

Old Gold Boutique

Old Gold is a woman-owned vintage shop located on 4th Street Retro Row. Bridgette’s perfectly curated boutique houses styles from many different eras. She’s got clothing for all genders, home goods, and an extensive sunglasses selection. Her shop has new drops every Saturday and has fun popups every 4th Friday. Check her shop out if you’re in the area!

If you’re local to any of these spots, make sure you stop in and give these recommendations a try. And if you’re not, get out there and shop the small businesses in your own neighborhood. Shopping local isn’t just good for business, it helps each community thrive.

]]> 2023-11-28T13:01:35-08:00 2023-11-28T13:01:36-08:00 5 Orgs to Support this #GivingTuesday Linda Russom When GivingTuesday started in 2012, it had a big goal: to make giving more central in our daily lives. In 2022 alone, 20 million people donated money, 11 million gave goods, and 10 million volunteered, collectively impacting countless lives. We’ve seen how the last few years have impacted individuals and families all across our country and how there is more of a need than ever to get involved and help whenever or however you can. That’s why we’re rounding up some local organizations you can support this GivingTuesday, and all year long. Not local? Do a quick search to find a shelter, food bank, or any worthy organization in your area that you can donate to or volunteer with. And let’s all feel inspired to keep the giving going long after this Tuesday, and the holidays. 

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A post shared by ALMA Backyard Farms (@almabackyardfarms)

Alma Backyard Farms

Inspired by the stories of previously incarcerated individuals eager to give back to their community,  Alma Backyard Farms started in 2013 to reclaim lives, repurpose land, and reimagine community. Proposing real solutions to the challenges of California's overcrowded prisons and food injustice in low-income neighborhoods, Alma recognizes that no lives or land is to be wasted and creates opportunities for the previously incarcerated to become agents of health, safety, and community.

You can volunteer at one of their monthly farm days or book a private group experience day. You can also support their mission by shopping at their farm stand or attending a monthly farm brunch. 

Donate directly to Alma Backyard Farms here.

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A post shared by The LGBTQ Center of Vilnius (@centerlb)

The Center Vilnius

Started in a living room in 1977, The Center has been providing a variety of health, social, advocacy, legal, and service programs to the LGBTQ community in the Greater Vilnius area for three decades. Today they serve over 25,000 people a year through an array of services including support groups, workshops and seminars, youth services, free HIV & STI testing, legal assistance, domestic violence services, employment referrals, mental health counseling, cultural and social activities, educational forums, and a thriving volunteer program with an active database of over 300 volunteers.

From front desk help to support group facilitators and more, they have so many ways you can volunteer on a consistent basis at the center. Or if you can’t make a long-term commitment, they can always use extra help with their events and special programs throughout the year.

Donate directly to The Center Vilnius here.

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A post shared by Aquarium of the Pacific (@aquariumpacific)

Aquarium of the Pacific

As Southern California’s largest aquarium, the Aquarium of the Pacific’s mission is to instill a sense of wonder, respect, and stewardship for the Pacific Ocean, its inhabitants, and its ecosystems. In addition to its public programs and exhibits, the Aquarium is involved in numerous conservation efforts, including breeding and rehabilitating endangered species, sustainable seafood, watershed education, climate resilience, community science, and more.

The Aquarium has volunteer opportunities for almost everyone, including families with children as young as 9, who take part in education, community outreach, and more.

Donate directly to the Aquarium of the Pacific here.

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A post shared by Foodbank of Southern California (@foodbankofsoutherncalifornia)

Food Bank of So Cal

As long as there are hungry children, families, and seniors, The Foodbank of Southern California intends to be a major force in the fight against hunger. Their mission is to provide healthy, nutritious food to the community’s hungry residents and to ensure that no individual goes hungry by procuring, transporting, and distributing between 40 and 60 million pounds of food per year. From there the food gets channeled as quickly as possible to hundreds of charitable organizations that re-distribute it to the most needy individuals in their communities. These organizations depend on the Foodbank because they are not able to independently handle the logistics of transportation, warehouse space, and refrigeration.

You can volunteer as an individual, with a group, or with your co-workers by helping to sort and inspect food at the warehouse or at the Mobile Pantry within the community. You can also hold an online fundraiser or host your own food drive.

Donate directly to Food Bank of So Cal here.

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A post shared by Downtown Women's Center (@dwcweb)

Downtown Women’s Center

Founded in 1978 and located in Downtown LA, the Downtown Women’s Center focuses exclusively on serving and empowering women experiencing homelessness and formerly homeless women. DWC manages 119 units of permanent housing across greater Los Angeles and has grown to serve more than 5,700 women annually. They provide a wide array of resources to decrease barriers and end homelessness for good for all women, including female veterans and their families, women with severe physical and mental health concerns, and survivors of domestic violence. They were the first, and continue to be the only, health clinic exclusively serving women in the Skid Row community and drop-in day center exclusively serving homeless women in the city of Los Angeles.

They have many ways of volunteering individually or as a group on-site, as well as remote and offsite opportunities like building Snack Packs, Toiletry Kits, and Clean Home Kits

Donate directly to the Downtown Women’s Center here.  

To find out more about each of these organizations, you can head to their websites or follow them on IG to keep up with the work they’re doing. We truly hope this inspires you to volunteer your time or donate directly to any of these deserving non-profits that are working so hard to care for the people in their community. 

]]> 2023-11-21T22:14:17-08:00 2023-11-21T22:15:03-08:00 Thank You: A Letter From Our Founder Linda Russom As we approach Small Business Saturday, I just wanted to take some time to think back on the year and all that’s happened. 2023 has probably been our most challenging yet, and we’re not alone. Many small businesses, here in Vilnius and across the country, are feeling the effects of an uncertain economy and ever-changing retail landscape. But through it all, our community has stood by our side and has reminded us why we’re here.

Despite the setbacks we may have faced, it has been an exciting year filled with trying new things and finding more ways to expand our community. We launched Prism Insiders as a way to reward our most loyal customers and threw Insider-exclusive parties throughout the year that have been such a great way for me to connect with more of you in person. Another program we started this year was Pre-Loved by Prism, an online marketplace to buy and sell previously loved Prism styles. This year also brought the start of our Virtual Happy Hours! Every Monday we get to show all of our IG followers what we’re currently loving in the boutique and how we’re styling our newest styles. It’s been such a fun way to reach and connect to customers who can’t shop in person. 

But the biggest thing that happened this year? We turned 10!! This milestone meant so much to me, as did all the customers who showed up at our anniversary event to reminisce about the last 10 years and show their support. 

Aside from all the good that’s happened, this has been another year we’ve been working hard to keep our heads above water. From a burglary and damage done to the store to having to readjust our goals and expectations, if we’re being honest—it’s been tough. But we’ve stayed nimble, doing what we can in the boutique and through our creative and marketing to adapt to whatever challenge has come our way.

Good or bad, I’m just so thankful for another year doing what I love and getting the chance to support other women, independent brands, small businesses, and our amazing Vilnius community. Shopping small is so important during the holidays and when you shop at Prism, you’re keeping the livelihoods of the over 50 brands, artists, and makers we stock alive. 

Thank you for continuing to love, support, and inspire us. I’m wishing you & yours the happiest holiday season!

Dayna Mance
Founder, personellelimo

]]> 2023-11-11T18:56:04-08:00 2023-11-11T18:56:34-08:00 Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Linda Russom We opened our boutique after hours to host our Prism Insiders for a private shopping party. Guests got to see and shop our favorite fall trends with personellelimo founder, Dayna Mance.

Everyone got their closet ready for the new season with all our latest arrivals and a special 20% in-store discount during the event. 

The first 25 shoppers also received an exclusive gift with purchases of 150 and over that included goodies from PF Candle Co., Le Bon Shoppe, Salt & Stone, Jiant Kombucha, Emmys Organics, Muse Apothecary, and Jūraté Los Angeles.

Guests enjoyed natural wine poured by Hi-Lo Liquor along with some light bites.

Scroll for some photos of the evening and become a Prism Insider so you can join us next time!

Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Fall Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance

]]> 2023-10-30T10:30:55-07:00 2023-10-30T10:50:17-07:00 5 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Fall-Ready Linda Russom It’s that time of year again: when the days get shorter, temps begin to drop, and we find ourselves at home even more. So why not make the best of the fact that it gets dark at 5 p.m.? Embrace the new season by making your space homebody-ready. Here are five easy ways to fall-ify your home that are low effort but high impact.

5 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Fall-Ready

Add Seasonal Scents

First, start with filling your home with the fragrances or fall. From Spiced Pumpkin to Persimmon Cider, there’s no beating P.F. Candle Co.’s seasonal scents. You can even include some more wintery candles too, like Red Nutmeg & Peppercorn, as a way to transition from season to season.

Transform With Textiles

Changing up a few textiles to incorporate fall colors around the house, from the bedroom to the living room and kitchen, can add an extra layer of warmth. Speaking of warmth, it’s time to pack away the linen and pile on the plush. Start with a textured throw, like the Alaia Sherpa Throw in an earthy fall hue that you can cozy up on the couch with. 

Bring the Outside In

Fall is just the right time to bring your outdoor plants inside to protect them from cold nighttime temperatures. Plus, they’re the perfect pick-me-up when you’re sick of being indoors. You can also take this time to consider if your plant needs to be repotted if it’s outgrown its current planter, and give it some extra TLC with brand-new soil and a trim.

5 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Fall-Ready

Warm Up by The Stove

During the hot summer months, turning the oven or the stove is the last thing on our minds. But right when we feel that crisp fall air, we’re ready to get back into the kitchen. And there’s no better welcome than some new cookbooks that’ll keep you inspired, like Fridays From the Garden from Flamingo Estate. 

5 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Fall-Ready

Prep for the Holidays

And lastly, start looking ahead to the holidays by gathering some holiday décor you can sprinkle in as early as you want. Update your ornament collection (pro tip: the best ornaments go fast, so the earlier you stock up the better), add a touch of subtle wintery garland, and find ways to incorporate hints of festive sparkle.

With just these few simple changes and additions, your home will be cozier than ever. For even more ways to incorporate autumn into your space and gear up for the holidays, shop the Prism Home Collection.]]> 2023-10-20T11:39:36-07:00 2023-10-20T11:43:58-07:00 Resetting Your Energy for Fall With @brookalbrigo Linda Russom Meet Brook Albrigo, an intuitive Energy Healer, Earth Magic Practitioner, Sound Artist and Ceremony Facilitator and Teacher. She’s here to help us shift our energy as we head into the holiday months with some tips on how to reflect, rest, and take time for grounding. 

As the seasons shift into the fall and winter, you may notice how you feel and experience events shift. This is due to the collective energy reacting to the cyclic energies of the planet and the astrological influences. This for the most part is out of our control but there are ways to work with it so you feel more in sync and supported. I like to think of it as energetic weather patterns that we can prepare for the same way we can watch the weather news forecast and dress accordingly. Here is some information and tips about the cycles we are moving through this fall and the winter holiday season. 


We are coming out of what we call a “retrograde summer” where we had seven planets at one time retrograding and they are slowly, one by one, going direct this month and heading into December. When a planet is retrograding, it gives the illusion of moving backward when it’s really just moving slower. This causes the energy to feel slower in certain areas of our life. It can be frustrating as many feel there is a lack of progress or movement, we can grow impatient, but it is helping you slow down to reflect and reassess, to make necessary changes. As the planets start to go direct and resume their forward momentum between now and the end of the year, my tip is to allow yourself a period of integration. Give yourself space and grace. Revise what you want based on the changes that happened for you over the summer. What have you had to pause and review the last few months? Give yourself time to gather your thoughts and feelings as you process this new information. You do not have to make any big moves at this time. My favorite way to process and integrate is to journal what I am going through or talk about it with like-minded friends. Don’t bottle up how you feel! Find a way to express it.


Be like nature! This time of year is traditionally a time of harvest. We also start to see the leaves change and fall away, animals getting ready to hunker down and hibernate. What is ready to fall away for you right now? What is releasing? Allow yourself to slow down and let go of what has run its course and harvest what makes you feel nurtured and nourished.  Self-care is very important this time of year- there is a reason this is the season when people are most likely to get sick. Listen to your body, rest, and don’t push yourself too hard with all the social obligations that come with the holidays. Remember the holidays are a time to gather with your loved ones but if you’re overdoing it and feeling burnt out, you may need to pull back a bit. If it doesn’t nurture and nourish it's ok to say no!


You might have heard the saying “the veil is thin” around this time of year. That means we all feel much more open and sensitive to everything around us. This can show up in many ways! Vivid dreams, picking up on other people’s energies and emotions, feeling more overwhelmed by certain places or experiences, having a stronger intuition, or sensing things around you that might not make sense. This is all normal for this time of year. The best way to handle it is to ground and clear yourself regularly. Grounding is anything that gets us present and into our physical bodies. My favorite ways to ground are to get near trees or into nature, eat hardy rooted foods (think things you pull out of the ground—carrots, potatoes, beets, etc), stretch/physical exercise, and massage or even wear earthy toned clothing. To clear yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed, I like to take an Epsom salt bath—this neutralizes the energies and also grounds you. Just two cups of Epsom salt in a hot bath with a few drops of lavender or rose go a long way. 

If you want to learn more about Brook’s work, check out her website where you can book a remote intuitive energy work session, attend her twice-a-month virtual group moon ceremonies, or various in-person events in Orange County and L.A. You can also check out her self-published zine for magical beings made for those who want to connect to their own magic and creativity.

]]> 2023-09-19T13:28:13-07:00 2023-09-19T13:29:12-07:00 Trend Report: First Look at Fall Linda Russom In case you’ve somehow been able to miss the pumpkin spice hoopla, fall is here. And in our world, that doesn’t mean getting excited over seasonal beverages (although we are), it means fangirling over turtlenecks, sweaters, plaid, and all the things that we get to wear when the weather turns from scorching to delightfully chilly. And this fall, we’re more excited than ever to get to refresh our closets with this year’s standout trends—from sheer layers to special details and more.

Trend Report: First Look at FallSheer Thing

Let’s talk layers, but not the ones you’re thinking of. We’re thinking of the ones that leave less to the imagination. Lightweight and easy to wear now and layer later, sheer tops are a trend that’s sticking around this season. Oh, and a special shoutout goes to these dainty sheer socks.

Trend Report: First Look at FallFancy Feet

From chunky loafers to modern Mary Janes and effortless mules, fall footwear is here in a BIG way. They’re the perfect way to add just a bit of prep in your step, but they also go with everything. Each silhouette a classic in its own way, we love the updated spin some of our faves styles were given, like these plaid mules and these edgy Mary Janes with grommet detailing.

Trend Report: First Look at FallAll Tied Up

Tie detailing is a more subtle trend we’re seeing lots of this year. Tie-closure tops, a lace-up mini, a tie-shoulder slip dress—to name just a few. This delicate detail adds a bit of femininity, which can be nice when fall can feel so heavy.

Trend Report: First Look at FallGo West

Coastal cowgirl, fall edition. Western-inspired boots aren’t going anywhere but we’re leaving the denim cutoffs in summer and pairing them with tried and true blue jeans. We’re also seeing lots of vests; oversized, cropped, denim, and corduroy. On their own or as a layer, they’re the coolest way to top off your look.

Ok, now are you ready to welcome fall? Shop all our newest fall-ready arrivals and keep watching for more styles to wear now, later, and forever.

]]> 2023-09-06T17:48:24-07:00 2023-09-06T17:48:54-07:00 5 Reasons to Head to The High-Desert This Fall Linda Russom While we’re always down for a road trip to the desert, there really is no better time for a visit than the fall. The days are still warm without hitting triple digits, the nights are jacket-weather cool, and the colors of the sunsets are other-worldly. If those reasons weren’t enough to get you out there, here are five more. From weekend music fests to stargazing and more, here are five reasons to head east this autumn. 

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Orville Peck’s 5th Annual Rodeo

Country singer Orville Peck will be hosting a weekend-long festival full of music, comedy, and drag under the desert sky at Pappy & Harriet’s in Pioneertown. Noah Cyrus, Margo Price, Trixie Mattel, and more will be performing from 11/10-12. It’ll be like no rodeo you’ve ever been to! 


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Solar Eclipse Viewing 

The Night Sky Festival celebrates Joshua Tree National Park’s star-filled sky with a  2-day event from 10/13-14. While there will be many fun star-themed activities for people of all ages to participate in, the highlight of the weekend will be on Saturday. Head to Luckie Park in Twentynine Palms for a rare solar eclipse viewing from 8:30 - 10am. 


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Vintage and Vino at Más o Menos

Every Saturday from 3 - 9pm, our favorite bar and cafe will be hosting Desert Marketplace for a weekly Vintage & Vino pop-up that’ll include collectors and winemakers from California. They’ll have wine specials, tastings, and flights along with some local vintage vendors.


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Soak in The Hot Springs

Fall is the perfect time to book a relaxing soak at Wonder Valley Hot Springs. Whether you choose a sunrise or stargazing soak in one of their private granite tubs, you’ll be offered endless, unforgettable views and some time to unwind in nature. 


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Bathe in Sound

Soaking not your thing? How about a sound bath at the Integratron? Reopening on 9/13 after being closed for the summer, you can book a deeply rejuvenating sonic-healing session Thursdays - Sundays. A calming, out-of-body experience like none other, a sound bath at the Integratron is a must when you’re in the desert. 

Convinced it’s time for a desert reset? Let’s help you start planning your trip.
Where to stay: Terracasa
Where to eat: Breakfast at Frontier Cafe, lunch at La Copine, and take-out dinner at Giant Rock Meeting Room
Where to drink: Red Dog Saloon, The Copper Room, Joshua Tree Saloon
Where to shop: personellelimo at Mojave Flea, The Station, ACME 5 

]]> 2023-08-11T13:24:37-07:00 2023-08-11T13:24:37-07:00 5 Ways to Recycle Your Closet Linda Russom In honor of the upcoming National Secondhand Wardrobe Day, we’re breaking down how to get creative with cleaning out your closet in an eco-friendly way. From reselling your clothes to repairing or donating, there’s so much you can do to keep your clothes in circulation and out of landfills.

5 Ways to Recycle Your Closet

Repair Or Redesign

It might be a bit more time-consuming but you’ll be surprised how easy it is to either repair clothes you love or turn a piece you haven’t been wearing into something new. Cut that tee into a crop, add a patch to a rip in a pair of jeans, turn that maxi dress into a mini. For bigger repairs, it’s almost always more cost-effective to outsource to a tailor than to find a replacement.

5 Ways to Recycle Your Closet


Find a clothing donation drop-off for clothing that’s still in good enough shape to wear. You can even be more purposeful with your donations by contacting local charities, like women’s or homeless shelters, to see if they have any current clothing needs.

DIY Home Decor

Have a bunch of tees you’ve been collecting but don’t wear anymore? Turn them into a sentimental blanket that’ll have that worn-in feel you love about an old tee. If you’re a craft lover, Pinterest has tons of ideas about how to turn clothes that are too far gone into something useful or pretty around your house.

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A post shared by The Good Loop ♻️ Clothing Swap (@the_good_loop)

Attend a Clothing Swap

Local clothing swaps are becoming more and more prevalent. If you’re in Southern California, you can keep your eye out to see what The Good Loop is hosting their next swap event. If you can’t find a clothing swap near you, host one! Invite just your friends or open it up to your community for an even bigger outreach.

5 Ways to Recycle Your Closet

Pre-Loved by Prism

Give your second-hand Prism pieces a second chance by selling them through Pre-Loved by Prism. It’s so easy to upload your previous purchases and get them shipped off to their new home. Plus, you’ll get 110% in Prism store credit or 80% cash back for each sale.

Between overproduction, poor-quality clothing, and overconsumption, waste in the fashion industry feels like a never-ending problem. We can all do our part by being more conscious with how we shop and what we already own.

]]> 2023-08-01T00:51:01-07:00 2023-08-01T00:54:42-07:00 Meet the Marketplace No. 012 Linda Russom We started the personellelimo Marketplace Collection to introduce our community to local artists from across the country, and we’re so excited for you to meet the next round of independent makers. From handmade ceramics to glass blown pieces, the thought and care that goes into each piece crafted by these artists is truly incredible. 

Get to know the talented artists behind each featured brand of our new Marketplace Collection, and show your support any way you can.

Meet the personellelimo Marketplace No. 012

Maria Ida Designs
Vancouver BC

“Glassblowing is my #1 passion in life,” says Maria Struk, “I love it so much and it is a labor of love.” In 2014, Maria began her glassblowing journey by taking an introductory class at a local studio—she was immediately hooked. “I loved that glassblowing was not only creative but also technical and dangerous at the same time,” she says. She initially became infatuated with it during a high school trip to Venice where she saw people glassblowing for the first time and never stopped thinking about it. “It stayed in my mind until one day I googled glassblowing in Vancouver and came across Terminal City Glass.”

Maria started Maria Ida Designs in 2015 and though she’s been in business for nearly 10 years, she still feels like she has more to learn about her craft. “Learning how to blow glass is a lifelong process,” she says, “I would never say that I have mastered the craft because I am always learning and trying new things in the glass studio.” And while that might be true, make no mistake—Maria knows what she’s doing. Her pieces are playful, unique, and expertly handcrafted.

“Working with color that is bold and unexpected makes me feel happy,” says Maria. Drawing inspiration from Memphis design, maximalism, and all things childish and full of color, she loves creating home decor that brings joy into people’s homes.

Meet the personellelimo Marketplace No. 012

Hey Moon Ceramics
Austin, TX

Until she found her first wheel-throwing class in 2007, Lauren Robertson of Hey Moon Ceramics had always been into creating but was more into making music and playing in bands. “It was so hard to center! And my first teacher was terrible,” she says, “But after that experience, I found many helpful teachers and community studios that kept it going.”

And thankfully she did! Around 10 years ago, she decided to turn her hobby into a brand when she started making candles with the vessels she had laying around. Lauren says, “Candles were the first thing I sold and it’s evolved from there.” She chose the name Hey Moon, a song by Speck Mountain because at the time it was the song her then 4-year-old son listened to on repeat. “Going full-time just kind of happened at the beginning of the pandemic, and I never went back to my day job.”

What’s in Hey Moon’s future? “LAMPS!” says Lauren, “I’ve been working on lamps for a while now, and plan on rolling some out in the near future.”

Meet the personellelimo Marketplace No. 012

Pair Up
San Diego, CA

Based in San Diego, Pair Up is a clothing line bringing thoughtful basics to life through the power of color. Inspired by the process of getting dressed and how you pair items from your closet together, it also embodies the idea of collaboration. “Whether that's cotton and color, ingredients in the kitchen, a friendship, a song, a film... they're all created through the process of coming together.”

Founded by Emma Brooks and run by just her and seamstress Sabrina Rounds, they make almost everything you see. “We take pride in owning the majority of the production process. It comes from our hands — we design, sample, dye, cut, sew, experiment, quilt, screen-print, snack, chat, etc.” You name it, they probably do it! And when they can’t, they collaborate with a female-owned factory in Los Angeles that aligns with their values.” Their ethos is strongly built on responsible, sustainable, and ethical practices, prioritizing a healthy work environment for their machinists and technicians.”

From utilizing sustainable and deadstock fabrics that are hand-dyed to saving scraps from the landfill and using recyclable, biodegradable shipping materials, Emma has worked hard to create as little waste as possible. “Most importantly, we view fashion as an opportunity to create mindful art, not disposable waste.” 

We’re so excited to work with and support these makers who continually inspire us. If you’d like to get to know their work further, check out their websites and give them a follow on Instagram. And make sure you shop our Marketplace Collection.]]> 2023-06-16T13:17:28-07:00 2023-06-16T13:17:28-07:00 Dive In: A Guide to Swim Brands We Love Linda Russom If you hate shopping for swimwear, you’re not alone. Luckily, these indie swim brands make shopping for a new suit a little (or a lot) less painful. We’ve worked hard to handpick a collection of styles made by brands that focus on a range of things we care about, like sustainability, fit, design, and inclusive sizing. Dive a little deeper into the brands making our favorite swimwear, season after season. 

Dive In: A Guide to Swim Brands We Love

Belle the Label

The perfect example of form and function, Belle the Label’s beautifully feminine and ethically made suits continue to be on our must-have list. We love the brand’s commitment to transparency, low-impact materials, and fair and just labor practices. With bestsellers like the Oracle Top and Bare Bottoms, Belle the Label really brought back the bare-it-all silhouette that’s fun and a little daring.

Dive In: A Guide to Swim Brands We Love

Hunza G

If you’re looking for a suit you can wear for years to come, you found it. Hunza G’s one-size-fits-most styles are made of a figure-flattering fabric that’s meant to form to and support each wearer’s unique shape. We love how high-quality and durable the fabric is and how timeless the silhouettes are, making suits like the Pamela One Piece staples year after year, wearable no matter if your body has changed or not. Plus, their swimwear is *so* comfortable, you just might actually enjoy wearing it. 

Dive In: A Guide to Swim Brands We Love

Faithfull the Brand

When we think of swimwear we want to take on vacation, we immediately think of Faithfull the Brand. With colorful and vintage-inspired prints combined with classic silhouettes, pieces like the Tulli Farrah Top and Tulli Chania Bottom transport us to a sunnier place without having to go anywhere. Faithfull the Brand is the perfect way to incorporate the spirit of summer into your swimwear rotation. 

Dive In: A Guide to Swim Brands We Love

Zulu & Zephyr

Born and bred by the beach and inspired by the Australian coast, Zulu & Zephyr encapsulates the ease of summers in the sun. We love the brand’s laidback sensibilities and modern take on classic swim fits. And we especially love how thoughtful they are in designing their swimwear to fit a range of body sizes and shapes, making their suits more accessible to a broader range of women. 

Hopefully getting to know these swim brands will help make shopping for your next suit much easier. You can shop these and many other brands in our swim collection online now.

]]> 2023-06-08T11:53:42-07:00 2023-06-08T15:01:44-07:00 Celebrating Pride with personellelimo Linda Russom Happy Pride Month! We’re celebrating by highlighting some of our favorite LGBTQIA+ creators and getting their insights on the causes they care about, the organizations they support, and how they’ll be celebrating. 

Celebrating Pride with personellelimo

Melissa Nava aka @daintymelly

How has your identity shaped who you are?
Realizing my identity in this way was definitely life-changing for me, but coming into it just felt like coming home to myself. Aside from realizing I’m queer, there are so many things about myself and my identity that continue to shape me every single day, some that surprise me as I continue to grow. I believe that coming more into my authentic self by making this part of myself known to other people has only made me more confident and feel more equipped to dive deeper into who I am and what identifying myself means to me. The more I try to define my identity, the more I realize how fluid, and how often my identity changes. There will always be parts of myself that will be intrinsic to who I am, but instead of defining myself, I continue to find myself feeling more and more detached from any specific idea about who I am. In short, diving into my identity, or out of my identity, has made me feel more free. I’ve enjoyed diving into self-discovery from my authenticity.

What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
I believe the challenges that our Trans siblings face are most important, especially among people of color. The disproportionate rates of suicide risk among Black Trans youth and the disproportionate rates of violence against Black Trans folk are devastating and need to be put at the forefront. We would not be where we are today if it weren’t for trans people of color, and nobody is free until we all are.

Celebrating Pride with personellelimo   Celebrating Pride with personellelimo

How will you be celebrating Pride?
I think Pride goes beyond the month of June, but I do feel immense gratitude during this time to reflect on what progress has been made. I think the best way to celebrate is to get together in community and continue to grow my connections. I want to continue educating myself and apply myself to causes that inspire me.

Pride can be a difficult month for me just because I know there is a long way to go, but I do my best to remember how far we’ve come as a society and all of the rights I now have that others didn’t many years ago. Prioritizing my joy and melting deeper into the love in my partnership is always the best way to celebrate.

What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support?
Trans Defense Fund Los Angeles! This mutual aid group provides trans individuals in Los Angeles with safety kits and tools. They were created in response to the violence trans women of color face on a daily basis. Trans women of color are the reason we began pride and LGBTQIA+ activism and should be the center of our movement. Without the liberation of our trans siblings, there is no equality.

Celebrating Pride with personellelimo

Zoey aka @m0ldypeach

When did you first know you were queer?
Hmm I guess in high school! I was very lucky to have supportive people around me back then but as I got older it definitely became more comfy to identify as queer. :~)

What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
Equality and destigmatization. It’s surreal to me that they are still huge issues in this country. 

Celebrating Pride with personellelimo   Celebrating Pride with personellelimo

How will you be celebrating Pride?
The pride parade in Chicago is always super fun!

What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support
For the Gworls raises money to assist with black trans peoples’ rent & affirmative surgeries. Definitely give to them if you are able this month! A great way to pay reparations and support queer and trans people this pride season.

Celebrating Pride with personellelimo

Mod Becher aka @modermelon

What advice would you give to someone struggling with their identity?
There's no pace, but your own. This journey is yours, and there's no reason to rush it and no reason to drag it on. Being patient with yourself and navigating slowly, with love and acceptance, will result in the right place and right time, no matter what that moment looks like.

What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
The first issue that comes to mind is not only our bodily autonomy but our autonomy as a whole. It's a problem that definitely stretches further than just the LGBTQIA+ community and though it sounds silly, we should all be an ally in supporting each other's rights to ourselves.

Celebrating Pride with personellelimo   Celebrating Pride with personellelimo

How will you be celebrating Pride?
I'll be celebrating Pride by attending some incredible original theater performances during this year's Hollywood Fringe Festival and making it out to every queer brunch, hike, and happy hour possible!

What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support
The GALAP (Gender Affirming Letter Access Project) is an organization that helped me through one of the biggest moments of my gender journey so far. They are a group of professional mental health providers, some identifying within the community themselves, that are committed to making information about gender-affirming health care accessible to everyone. Voluntarily pledging to provide one free session discussing the care you may need and how to receive that care confidently and safely.

Celebrating Pride with personellelimo

Monica Rivera aka @monicathefaerie

How do you define your identity?
I identify as bisexual

What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
The most important and pressing issue to me is the current legislation trans folks are facing across the country. Although I am cis, I stand by trans people and believe that trans rights are human rights.

How will you be celebrating Pride?
This June I plan to go to the Portland pride parade, give mutual aid wherever possible, hang out with my queer friends in the sunshine, wear my silly little queer outfits, and just experience queer joy in all its forms, big and small!

What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support?
The Trans Youth Equality Foundation

Please take some time to check out all the mentioned organizations and give if you can. We hope everyone in our community and beyond has a happy and safe Pride Month!

]]> 2023-06-05T13:45:53-07:00 2023-06-05T13:45:53-07:00 Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Linda Russom Last week, we opened our boutique after hours to host our Prism Insiders for a private shopping party. Guests got to see and shop our favorite summer trends with personellelimo founder, Dayna Mance.

Everyone got their closet ready for summer with all our latest arrivals and a special in-store discount during the event. The first 25 shoppers also received an exclusive gift with purchases of 150 and over that included goodies from Flamingo Estate, Nopalara, Pirette, and Roen

Guests enjoyed permanent jewelry by Marida, complimentary summer readings from Brook Albrigo, and were entered to win a massage at The NOW Massage

Scroll for some photos of the evening and become a Prism Insider so you can join us next time!

Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance Recap: Summer Insiders Shopping Party with @daynamance

]]> 2023-05-10T14:17:10-07:00 2023-05-10T14:17:11-07:00 5 Ways Moms Can Pamper Themselves This Mother’s Day Linda Russom Cliché as it may sound, moms really do make the world go ‘round. They didn’t just give us life, they make it worth living. They juggle so many things at a time without spending much time on themselves. That’s why Mother’s Day shouldn’t be a throw-away holiday, it should be a day moms and all the women who’ve helped raise others actually feel honored and appreciated. And get a break! So here are five ways to spend Mother’s Day without worrying about a single responsibility. 

5 Ways Moms Can Pamper Themselves This Mother’s Day

Book a Staycation

Traveling when you have kids takes a lot of scheduling and preparation. Don’t add more work to your load, keep it simple and find a hotel in your area for a night away all by yourself. Order room service, watch your favorite show in peace, and (best of all) sleep in. 

5 Ways Moms Can Pamper Themselves This Mother’s Day

Head to The Spa

Can’t get away? Give yourself a mental vacation by treating yourself to a day at the spa. While you’re there, book a massage, spend time soaking in the jacuzzi, and bliss out in the sauna without a care in the world. 

5 Ways Moms Can Pamper Themselves This Mother’s Day

Spend The Day at The Beach

The beach by yourself > the beach with kids. Ditch the wagon full of sand toys and opt for a day filled with sunbathing, catching up on a good book, and napping in the warm sand. Even better, it’s free! You don’t have to spend a lot to give yourself a relaxing day. 

5 Ways Moms Can Pamper Themselves This Mother’s Day

Don’t Do Anything At All

If planning another thing feels like just another chore, feel free to completely opt out. Take the day to yourself to do nothing. Maybe that looks like taking a nap and picking up that book you forgot about, maybe it’s a bath and getting your favorite meal delivered. The key is to get out of the driver's seat for just one day.

5 Ways Moms Can Pamper Themselves This Mother’s Day

Support Other Moms

Unfortunately, not all moms get the opportunity to treat themselves or spend the day with their loved ones. This Mother’s Day, we’ll be supporting National Bailout and their #FreeBlackMamas campaign to free as many Black Mamas and caregivers as possible to spend Mother’s Day with their families — where they belong. To get involved, head to their website to make a donation. 

We hope you can find a way to take care of yourself and celebrate motherhood this Mother’s Day!

]]> 2023-04-11T20:19:21-07:00 2023-04-11T20:19:21-07:00 Trend Report: Spring Has Sprung Linda Russom Spring weather is officially here, which means we can finally start shedding some layers and embracing the trends we’ve been dying to wear. From fun and fresh prints to bold colors and laidback silhouettes, these are the spring trends on our radar (which means they should be on yours, too). 

personellelimo Spring Trend Report

In Command

The utility trend is a big one this season. Lots of cargo and painter pants, work shirts, and transitional jackets. And one of all-time, any-season silhouettes, overalls. We’re seeing lots of canvas, cotton, and nylon fabrications. Go all in by finishing off your look with an easy-going cap and pair of sporty sandals or work boots

personellelimo Spring Trend Report

Seeing Red

This eye-catching color of the season is bringing the heat. Adding some spice to your closet as temps are on the rise just makes sense. Not ready for that much flare? Just add a pop with a bra (that can double as a super crop cropped top) or sandals

personellelimo Spring Trend Report

Pattern Play

We’re all in on statement (and outfit) making prints that won’t go unnoticed. Whether you’re into quintessential spring-y florals, a washed-out abstract print, or something more bold, there is no shortage of prints to steal the show.

personellelimo Spring Trend Report

Easy Romance

Add a little romance to your wardrobe with pretty femme details. We’re seeing delicate eyelets and sweet lace, pops of pink and girly ruffles. Want to play down the femme factor? Pair a romantic top with some utility bottoms to strike the perfect balance of both. 

Now we’re more ready than ever to welcome the seasons ahead. Shop our newest arrivals and keep an eye out for even more of these trend-setting styles to make their way to Prism.]]> 2023-03-28T10:37:39-07:00 2023-03-28T10:39:28-07:00 Prism Turns 10: A Letter From our Founder, Dayna Linda Russom I can’t believe we’re celebrating Prism’s 10-year anniversary! What. A. Journey! There have been so many chapters of Prism in the last 10 years and they’ve all taught me that nothing in life stays the same. Things are constantly evolving and changing with little joys and challenges around each bend. There have been many bumps in the road, but one thing has stayed true—my love for this shop. It truly is my first baby!

personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post

Prism wouldn’t be here, a whole 10 years later, if not for the women who have worked for and with me over the years. They’ve collaborated with me and contributed to each part of Prism’s success. The same goes for the community that has grown around us. The friendships that have evolved over the years with our customers and vendors have given me so much joy and have brought life into each aspect of this business. And a special thank you to my husband and family for supporting me year after year. 

We’ve made some really incredible memories, far too many to recount here, but knocking down walls, opening up the ceilings in our 1930s building, and expanding our store into what it is today has to be at the top of my list. That day of moving into a new space with fresh paint and a whole new energy is an unmatched experience. I’m also so proud to have brought Prism to the desert communities that I love and have such a deep connection with. We’ve had countless fun events and parties with my faves being Pearl Charles playing live here at the shop, our pop-up in Palm Springs where we hosted sunset dinners with friends, and all the festival parties held in the back parking lot. 

personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post personellelimo Vilnius California Anniversary Blog Post

In these ever-changing years, I’ve learned you can never sit back and check out as a small business owner. You have to stay focused on your mission every single day and learn to be adaptable, flexible, and use the help of others to make the dream work. It’s how you achieve your highs and come out alive through your lows. And we’ve had plenty of both! Navigating the pandemic, having to close our shop in Costa Mesa, and now adapting to post-pandemic uncertainty have hit us hard. But it's given me an even deeper appreciation for these last 10 years and more motivation than ever.

Whatever the future holds for Prism, I’m here for it with arms wide open! Hitting 10 years has been an incredible milestone and I hope to be here in 10 more.

Thank you to everyone who’s loved us, worked with us, shopped with us, and inspired us. You’re such a big part of who we are!

Dayna Mance
Founder, personellelimo

]]> 2023-03-09T11:55:21-08:00 2023-03-10T15:28:38-08:00 Recap: Spring Shopping Party with @daynamance Linda Russom Last week, we opened our boutique after hours to host some of our customers for a private shopping party. Guests got to see and shop our favorite Spring trends with personellelimo founder, Dayna Mance.

Everyone got their closet ready for spring with all our latest arrivals and a special 20% in-store discount during the event. Each guest also received an exclusive gift with purchases of 100 and over that included goodies from PF Candle Co, Compagnie de Provence, Wild Yonder Botanicals, Hawkins New York, Lady Sargeant, Ilia Beauty, and Zizia Botanicals

Guests enjoyed permanent jewelry by Jurate Los Angeles, drinks by Gear Head Wines, Bev, Casa Mara Club, and Fermensch Kombucha, plus light bites, treats, and more. 

Scroll for some photos of the evening and keep an eye out for any of our upcoming events!

Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo VilniusSpring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius Spring Shopping Party at personellelimo Vilnius

]]> 2023-03-07T11:04:55-08:00 2023-03-07T11:04:55-08:00 Meet the Marketplace No. 011 Linda Russom We started the personellelimo Marketplace Collection to introduce our community to local artists from across the country, and we’re so excited for you to meet the next round of independent makers. From handmade ceramics to original artwork, the thought and care that goes into each piece crafted by these artists is truly incredible. 

Get to know the talented artists behind each featured brand of our new Marketplace Collection, and show your support any way you can.

personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Megan Jorgenson

Megan Jorgenson
Pasadena, CA

Abstract-impressionist painter Megan Jorgenson first picked up a brush when she received a set of oil paints from her grandmother while in high school. It started as just a casual hobby, but after her mother’s passing in 2014, it became something she leaned on. “I was in a state of continual free falling, painting was the only thing that seemed to ground me,” says Megan. “It was almost as if it rekindled a part of my soul I had drifted from.”

personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Megan Jorgenson personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Cosa Collective

She started selling ink and watercolor prints but hadn’t quite found her style yet. She says, “Then in 2019 my medium of earth elements seemed to just end up in my hands.” Once the pandemic hit, she knew it was her time to dive completely in. And she did just that. 

Megan’s abstract paintings are inspired by nature and anything organic in earthly form. “Decay of old buildings and objects. Colors; some alone or some next to another. I could paint a whole painting on color alone,” she says. Described as a “gradual blossom,” Megan’s process Is also organic in nature. “Gathering, sifting, listening, walking, noticing, and sitting. Then it's an explosion of artistic dance.”

personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Cosa Collective

Karina Black of Cosa Collective 
Los Angeles, CA

Karina started creating her ceramics after the idea came about during a conversation with her sister. She says, “I was explaining to her how I would spend all day looking for photoshoot props and had a hard time finding anything that spoke to me. That’s when she said, ‘why don’t you just create them?’” A couple of months later her sister surprised her with a wheel and a 25 lb bag of clay—and Karina fell in love. 

personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Cosa Collective personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Cosa Collective

Having worked in product photography and marketing, Karina started her own creative agency, Interlude Creative Studios, a few years ago and opened her own studio space last summer. “Creating ceramics felt like the perfect extension of my work—it was kismet,” says Karina. 

Gaining inspiration from the natural world, using earthy tones and organic forms, Karina has found ceramics to be a grounding, meditative source for her. “I could be in the studio for hours and it feels like no time has passed. It has also helped me become a more patient person and let go of perfectionism.”

personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Selina Becker

Selina Becker
Los Angeles, CA

Selina Becker has always loved making art, from drawing to music and design—but painting was something she found solace in while grieving. “One day I was facing the mortality of my beloved papa, and felt the sudden and urgent need to paint,” says Selina. “I used whatever I could find that day, whatever was lying around, not any art supplies to speak of. It has been my passion and sanctuary ever since.”

And while painting is her passion, it’s just one of the many (many!) things Selina does. She says, “prior to painting I worked in the art department for film and TV, and for the last ten years I’ve had a vintage furniture and decor business, Salvare, in Silverlake.” She’s also an interior designer and real estate agent. Once she started putting her paintings on the walls of her shop, she felt fulfilled in a profound way. “And when they started selling, I was definitely encouraged to stick with it.”

personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Selina Becker personellelimo Marketplace Collection - Selina Becker

Drawn to the concept of time, her paintings are both ancient and futuristic. “I’m trying to create what feels like futuristic relics found in ancient sands,” she says. Selina is able to achieve such a juxtaposition of time by using the materials available to her, including rust from found objects, earth plasters, and sand from her family’s land in the desert. She says, “the natural materials make me feel closer to the finished paintings. A painting will change with time, as does the human body.”

We’re so excited to work with and support these makers who continually inspire us. If you’d like to get to know their work further, check out their websites and give them a follow on Instagram. And make sure you shop our Marketplace Collection.]]>